House of Revelation has a heart to support and equip the body of Christ. Below is a book written by people from House of Revelation.
United in Christ Enforcing His Victory by Elena Goodearl.
Languages: English

Do you want an unshakeable foundation? Are you looking to gain wisdom and revelation?
Everything is changing so rapidly and nothing seems certain any more. Learn the deep truths hidden in Scripture. This book makes this possible through an in-depth study of the Covenants that highlight God’s journey with humanity and reveals your true identity founded on deep scriptural precepts. You will gain transformational knowledge bringing together the Word and the Spirit.
“Elena Goodearl’s work takes you on a profound journey through the intricacies of covenants and their deep ties to the heart of God.” — Ivan Roman.
“I thoroughly enjoyed this dive into the covenants and how they work hand-in-hand with the prophetic. — Rebekah Rycroft Kerwin.
“This book is a must read for the Western church in this day and age.” — Peter Parthoens.
Hidden within you are deep treasures. Discover your covenantal fusion….
Light and Love of New Covenant Sonship by Elena Goodearl
Language: English

Do you want to understand the Christian faith at a very practical level? Going through the motions can be tiring and leave you feeling dry and empty.
Light and Love of New Covenant Sonship develops the theme of life in the New Covenant and its importance for believers today. This book gives the reader a firm foundation in the Old Testament and explains the notion of covenants. Its main focus is helping believers live in their God given identity, firmly establishing love, grace, peace and joy.
This book is ideal for those who want to piece the Old Testament together and for those who want to know more about life in the Spirit. It tackles the subjects of gracious love, the Spirit, warfare, authority and it introduces the prophetic. It will help you grow in your faith and in your relationship with God. Be courageous and dive in.
Reshaping the Prophetic by Elena Goodearl
Language: English

Are you fully representing God when you prophesy? Are the prophecies you give having their desired effect? Is your voice being heard?
The prophetic has hurt, confused and alienated many in the Body of Christ. I propose this is due to lack of awareness. Reshaping the Prophetic gives a fresh look at what it means to be a prophet today. And how it is possible to be a voice to this generation and a bringer of hope.
Transformational information is found in the pages of this book that enables prophetic saints to become sharper in their gifting and prophets to see more clearly their role in implementing the New thing. It brings together the insights from United in Christ Enforcing His Victory and Light and Love of New Covenant Sonship regarding the prophetic and the New thing.
It has been proven that a transition has taken place. Take hold of the courage to step in and be the gift whose voice is clear and releases hope.
Available from the Amazon Kindle store